Open ~ Medicine Gift Crafting: Create whatever you wish! How can I support you? Announce your intention to attend, thank you. ♥ Offering ♥ Gratitude
- December 12
- December 13
Wing Medicine: Craft a feather fan to cleanse and clear in your personal life and for professional practices.

Drum Birthing: Send up a call, let the beat of your drum harmonize with the heartbeat of our Mother Earth.

Rattle Crafting: Move the energies, call your guides, meditate and journey with these powerful tools.
- January 10 ~ Turtle Shell Rattle Crafting
- January 31 ~ Rawhide Rattle Crafting
- March 20 ~ Turtle Shell Rattle Crafting

L♥VE Offering ~ Fund Raiser for Cocoon House
- February 14 ~ Please Save the Date! Details TBA soon.
Soles for the Soul: Moccasin are for everyday wear, for ceremonies, moccasin for life!
- January 16 & 17 ~ Knee High Moccasin Crafting
- February 27 & 28 ~ Moccasin Crafting
- March 26 & 27 ~ Springtime Sandal Crafting
- March 5 & 12 ~ Bodhi Center, Bainbridge Island, WA

Medicine Bags: Personal, protective and private – honor the medicine that comes forward for you in a good way for the new year.
Talking Sticks: Are you one who has been called to form a talking circle? Many have in these times and it is good. The talking stick is a respectful way to share and listen to what is on one another’s hearts.

Leather Crafts: Come sew, stitch your best intentions into the leather, create what you have a need for. There will be cake.

Children’s Circle: In a sacred way, each circle date is a unique exploration into the natural world.
- December 19
- January 9
- February 13
- March 13

Feeding the Fire Ceremony: Celebrate the feminine by feeding the fire with Grandmother Moon.
- January 22
- March 25

Looking forward to spending time together working in a sacred way. With gratitude.
Mitakuye Oyasin ~ All My Relations