Well, I depend upon no one’s heart (or courage) but my own, so thinking this, I look for horses. ~ Song of Self-Reliance sung by Old Buffalo
A few weeks back, the Fire Circle was coming to birth drums. I journeyed to seek out the medicine that wished to come forward for them as we had not discussed anything in specific. I am no longer surprised yet I am always amazed at how directly aligned the wisdom comes through – it is always exactly in keeping with the path of the seeker. Black Horse, unambiguous definitively black, appeared. While familiar with the medicine of Horse, having read several old stories, I went in search of more. I wanted some details that might help me understand what this medicine in particular was bringing forward.
“I am from the Void where Answer lives. Ride on my back and know the power of entering the Darkness and finding the Light.” ~ Dreamwalker
When the Fire Circle gathered, we took time to ground in with one another sharing where we were at and what were we needing at this time. Up to this point, their medicine waited quietly. While I listened to their shares, I well with emotions – Black Horse was precisely what is needed. When they were complete, it was my turn to share, a dark horse* previously unknown is now prominently in the room. Overwhelming, overflowing agreement that this day will be the beginning of what is sure be a powerful journey. Black Horse had come to offer the Mystery in magical ways.
And indeed, four black horse drums were birthed and are making magic known in the lives of their caretakers.
Not usual, after the drum heads and laces have been cut unused hide is so inviting . Every scrap speaks. Black Horse has come calling, work with me for your highest good. From some of what remains, I have sewed rattles, taking this opportunity to ride into the Void, into my dark places and bringing back the Light.
I have been on a spiritual path for some time now and naturally life and questing have guided into some dark places. Last summer’s Sun Dance, I was gifted/guided to explore deeper, to make a concerted effort to attend to my shadow work. Surprisingly, my shadow work isn’t what I thought it might be. It has been far more gentle than I was anticipating. It’s the Medicine and Light, the Ceremonies – they support my personal path and healing process in incredible unimaginable ways. And self-love.
“Self-Love is Always the Answer.” ~ Northside Dream Circle

Sewing with this Black Horse – the hide is soft like butter, easily pierced by a sharp needle, no resistance when pulling the stitches tight. This feels so symbolic, like grace accompanying every prayer and stitch, tightly woven into the process of healing the shadows with Light. This Black Horse teaching me not to fear those places within with steadfastness, gently lifting me up to the light of day. Spaciousness occurs. The gravitational pull towards Light, riding this swift horse, I am delivered unto myself in a good way. There is still working to complete these rattles – as of yet no voices – what will I hear? Their handles incomplete – when sanding and polishing, finding the “fit” in my hand, what can be garnered? Already I’ve been gifted with freedom, bravery and generosity.
Mitakuye Oyasin ~ All My Relations
Consider the workshop calendar. Let us make a time together, to sew rattles, birth drums from any number of medicines, Black Horse among them to carry you deeper from the shadows into Light. The Medicine of All Nations supports our walk at this time. Blessings…
*The idiom dark horse refers to hidden talents, potential, victory and gains in power.