What’s in a Word?

Over the many months that I’ve written this blog, I’ve quoted many teachers and teachings and several long-ago published books, siting the sources.  It came to my attention a while back that certain words, especially in the Lakota language, are often searched for on the internet by concerned persons.  This is true and obvious when I take a look at my site statistics.


I wonder, when these words are found on my site – are the blog posts actually read?  Does the person doing the search then give me a pass when it becomes clear the quotation source and my intent?  Or am I considered an outsider appropriating culture and language by the one visiting my site?  Another disrespectful person without any right to the use of such words?


Last November, I listened to all three days of the Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit.  All – but one – of the  Elders who spoke during those days embraced all comers to the Indigenous path of healing for the ails of our societies and Earth Mother.  They said we are all indigenous.  We are all people from the Earth.  True.  It was even said that to harbor resentments now is about ego, not my path or usage of a word.  Admittedly this was a relief to me, knowing I am welcome and embraced for my heart and intentions.

I am walking my life in the best way I know how to.  I use Lakota words.  I speak in Sanskrit.  Also the occasional Yiddish word.  I speak from my heart without malice or disrespect.  Instead with gratitude for those who’ve come before me and carried these ways forward.  And for the way I came to embrace them today – in a reverent way in my life and prayers.

What anyone thinks of me or my writing is none of my business.

Mitakuye Oyasin  ~  All My Relations



2 thoughts on “What’s in a Word?”

  1. Well said. Respectfully said. Words have power, and I’ve never known you to be disrespectful of them.

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