Meeting the Mystery

I didn’t seek a vision quest. One sought me.

“Our demons are our own limitations, which shut us off from the realization of the ubiquity of the spirit, each of these demons is conquered in a vision quest.”  ~ Joseph Campbell

I’ve been told that this ceremony is one that will bring up my fears. I’m not a particularly fearful person, however, I am a deeply feeling woman. And… if it isn’t love, it’s fear… a phrase I’ve heard often. Believing this to be true, I have no choice but to sink farther into what it is I am feeling. Flipping the feelings over and over to see what’s beneath the surface. How many layers are there before I find fear? Eventually. There it is.

I’ve been told also, this time of inquiry and lead up to ceremony is to empty out. Then I can meet the Mystery, Creator, God, the Universe, Great Spirit – whatever – and be filled back up.

Am I empty? Yet?

All My Relations




Look Both Ways

Surely you’ve got your tried and true tools for your shamanic journeys, your private, public practices. I do. And I am asking again, to deepen, who am I now? What can I honor about myself on my path and quest to be my best self? Where do I lack integrity? How can I grow, mature into the life that I’ve been born into?

Are you sitting with big questions too?

While I have trusted allies that are constant in my life, there are always new discoveries to make. Medicine is so vast. Perhaps there is something right in front of my nose that I am missing or so well hidden, it’s never been touched to heal. What medicine can I draw upon? Who will be the crossing guard to usher my next steps?

Are all your needs being met? Is it time to refresh, reboot, reenergize? I’d be honored to hold a sacred container for you to recharge within. A new rattle’s voice, reaching in… a gentler or more robust drumbeat resonating with your current heart… medicine for your daily bag…  Gift yourself (or another) a personal day for whatever your needs, make new relations, jump into the river of surprise, manifest your next steps. Medicine is a revealer and a healer.

I’m strengthening in service to the medicine that comes forward for me as well as learning. Reciprocity is vital. A beautiful Circle. I love the exploration, engaging and working with, and honoring the medicine with my presence. I give little gifts of flowers to Grandmother Buffalo, tobacco offerings and good smudges, black coffee sweet for my Constant Companion. I tell the Earth I love her all the time. I’m thankful.

It’s a good day to be alive. Many blessings to you and yours.

All My Relations


Heart Cartography

I have an Atlas of the World. A heavy tabletop volume. A beautiful but very fragile 1927 Atlas. Two US Road Atlas, bound and spiral additions. A multitude of Forest Service maps. Hiking guides, North America and Europe, two shelves full.

Likewise with the yoga books – student and teacher – two shelves.

I’d love to see the earth, the whole world over. See all her remaining wild places, ancient, and sacred. I’ve turned the pages of these books countless times exploring. Opened and folded the maps many times. My vitality rises with Earth-embrace.

Ancient. Yoga. Eastern tradition. Yoga introduced me to my mind and body, my breath. Leading me like a roadmap, consciously.

Medicine ways. Ceremony. East meets West, if you will, on my journey. These ways have been the passageway to my heart, the ultimate guidance to bring me home. Whole. This requires everything and nothing at the same time. It makes me so glad to be alive. Unlike anything else. My heart is so full the Hummingbirds recognize me!

“In order to change the world, we have to touch your heart.”                    ~LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard

Envisioning All of Humanity leading with Our Hearts, spiritually awakened, One with All Our Relations… Peace.

All My Relations


The Last of Lyjse

The last of Lyjse’s hair called to be in a rattle. Of course. I listen to the medicine, it tells me what is needed. Still a grief settled in, a deep sadness. Grieve good, VGH said once. I settled in too, grief is needed.

Holding. The. Grief.

Grief took me beyond the horse hair to the insect bore on the fir handle. The river of surprise. A new prayer that isn’t grief, but none the less a healer. I have so much gratitude for the ways of medicine.

Blessing from the Four Directions, Above and Below, from my heart.

All My Relations